
Estalla mi alma: 2013

Sunday, February 17, 2013

New Study On Benefits of Music for Intelligence and Healing

Music has been used as a therapy to address the symptoms of depression and anxiety. Apparently, there are many other health benefits of music. Many of these benefits are still unexplored by researchers.

"There's something about the music and engage in musical activities that seem to be very stimulating for the brain and body. Sing your favorite songs with family and friends, playing in a band or dancing to music can also strengthen the bond with others," says neuroscientist, Dr. Petr Janata of the University of California, Davis as reported brainready.com.

Reducing pain

Several studies have found that listening to music can reduce pain. Other studies have shown that music can be beneficial for patients with heart disease by reducing blood pressure, heart rate and anxiety.

Music therapy has also been shown to raise the morale of patients with depression. Make your own music, either playing an instrument or singing, may have a therapeutic effect as well.

When listening to music or engage in making happy, relaxed, contemplative, body will have the effect of deep relaxation such as sleep soundly, warm baths, and lower overall stress levels.

Improving the ability of the brain

There are several studies that show how music can enhance brain function. In one study, clinical psychologist Charles Emery of Ohio State University studied the effects of music on people who listen to them for regular exercise.

Emery and his team tested 33 men and women who are in the final weeks of a cardiac rehabilitation program. Each participant was tested for mental ability after exercising without music and exercise with music.

As a result, on average, participants received a score more than doubled when listening to music without listening to music after a workout than after exercise. The selected music is Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons".

Previous research by other scientists showed that music helps lung disease patients so that his mental faculties can work better.

Emery suspect the same benefits can be gained by listening to all kinds of music, not just classical music. He theorized that the "Four Seasons" can stimulate mental performance because of its complexity forcing the brain to regulate nerve transmission.

"But the other kind of music may work better for some people. I do not think there is anything special on Vivaldi music or classical music that would trigger an increase in brain function," said Emery.

Increasing intelligence

Several other studies have described that listening to music is a business that is more complex than it seems. The human brain is sorting out the tone, timing, and sequencing of sounds to understand music.

It is believed that the frontal lobe of the brain is stimulated and activated when listening to music. Because the area is the part of the brain associated with higher mental functions such as abstract thinking or planning.

Frances Rauscher, a psychologist at the University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh, and her colleagues found that listening to Mozart can enhance reasoning in mathematics and spatial ability.

In fact, the mice ran the maze faster and more accurately after hearing Mozart. According to Rauscher, Mozart piano sonata seems to stimulate activity of three genes involved in the signaling of nerve cells in the brain.

Listening to music is one way to listen to music passively to obtain benefits for the brain. But a more stimulating brain activity and even increase IQ is playing or writing music.

Children six years old who were given music lessons when compared to drama lessons or no instruction received additional 2-3 points in IQ scores.

Rauscher also found that after receiving music lessons for two years, pre-school children scored better on spatial reasoning tests than in learning computers. However, the benefits may not be the same for adults.

Benefits of Music by Research

Music provides many benefits for children in every stage of their development. By engaging with music, both as listeners, lovers, and in the form of active involvement with the singing, swaying, dancing, or learning a musical instrument.

Here are the benefits of music, according to research quoted by the BBC:

Music helps the development of speech

Sing simple songs to teach children about the language. Similarly, according to Jessica Pitt of the Pre-School Music Association. Through song, they learn how to say words and sentences are formed. The learning process was very natural because it takes place in a fun way. The song, the music, the movements they do when singing to help them learn the language.

Music helps children learn math

According to Prof. Gordon Shaw of the University of California, when children learn the rhythm of the music (rhythm), they learn about the ratio, the distribution and proportion.

Music improve social skills

Children who learn and develop the skills involved with music better social cohesion and understanding of self and other people good. In addition, the emotional aspects of the music provides a great benefit to the development of social skills, such as empathy.

Music enhance intellectual development

"Music helps improve a child's ability to think abstract by strengthening the neural connection patterns of the brain associated with music and spatial cognition," said Dr. Frances Rauscher of the University of Wisconsin.

Music increasing confidence and ability to express themselves

As a non-verbal language, music can convey the complexity of emotions and offer a form of non-verbal expression which is very useful for shy children or those who are difficult to communicate well orally.

5 Benefits of music in life

Music so embedded in our lives. No day without music. Research shows music can affect our lives. Depending on what kind of music we consume. So, how music can make an impact on our lives? Check out his review that was launched from the following womenshealth.

1. Rap music to make creative
Eminem rap music that brought such is able to activate parts of the brain associated with creativity and the birth of ideas. The benefits gained from this more freestyle rap flow, a branch of hip-hop culture that relies on spontaneity and improvisation in stringing lyrics. Researchers found any lyrics that created spontaneously, fully improvised, and made without full concentration, can increase the activity in the frontal cortex area of ​​the brain. These brain areas are fully responsible for the emergence of creativity and brilliant ideas.

2. Classical music makes the focus
Researchers from Stanford University suggests classical music will help your mind stay focused and be able to sort information. Tone is in classical music can sharpen the brain, making it easier to concentrate.

3. Music energetic boost morale
Music affects the central nervous system to perform activities as well as help take your mind off the discomfort. Research shows energetic music fits listen while doing the activity that is quite heavy. The tone quickly that there can build morale and inspire active.

4. Favorite song makes you so much better
Listen to the songs that you like can trigger the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the brain that can enhance pleasure. So, frequently listening to your favorite songs that you are the better mood.

5. Certain tone can heal you
A study at the University of Kentucky describe a patient who listen to soft music before, during and after surgery. Apparently after listening to the music, pain and reduced patient anxiety, so just need a little sedative. And contrary to loud music can cause irritation to those who hear it.

What music most influenced your life? Do you want to change the type of music to change the mood and minds?